Dancing Through The Distractions
As humans we encounter many distractions throughout our lives. Everyday we are faced with different challenges. Whether it be something at work, home, friends, family or a health issue that has just popped up. We are distracted. We may be taken off course and wondering where we go from here. I have always said in many of my blogs that it is the “unknown” which scares us the most. Our natural human trait is to try to take control of the situation. Controlling a situation requires us to step out of our universal flow. Things that should not be pushed wind up exploding right in our faces. Depending on the message you need to receive will depend on how big the explosion is.
People say I laugh a lot when I should be crying.
The main reason for this is I’ve been through many challenges throughout my life. Some small and some very big. Some that were life altering. I had an innate way about me that took these challenges and turned them into major life aha moments. Throughout the years, yes I was brought down many times but I’d never show it. Always smiling and always knowing that I’d always be okay and that things would surely work out the way they should. Sure enough they always did. I had no clue that they would have. It was an innate feeling that I always had. I also had to stay strong for my kids. I never wanted them to feel the pain I was enduring and burden them with anything. They still sometimes keep me going as I am always trying to show them that our challenges in life are meant FOR us to see a different perspective on something that we have lost sight of. And, that is EXACTLY what this blog is all about and why we should continue to dance through all of life’s challenges.
“All roads lead us somewhere”…
There we go again, “Somewhere.” It’s the unknown. It’s a scary place to be. Fear kicks in and we find ourselves over thinking and trying to manipulate a situation to make it turn out the way WE want it to. Many times we even blame ourselves. It may work for the short term, however there was a lesson that was missed because you were way too busy trying to control it to ease your worry and fears. In all seriousness all roads do lead us somewhere. For many of us like myself they may wind a lot. I know mine were never straight and it wasn’t until about 6 years ago that I had a major aha moment that shook me to my core. It took me the last 6 years to uncover all my wounds and heal myself and my true inner spiritual being. We are ALL spiritual beings having human experiences. Our experiences are ALWAYS leading us to something, something greater outside of us to bring us whole within.
If something keeps showing up for you, it’s time you take a deeper look.
Over and over again. Here we go again! It’s showing up AGAIN! Stop. Look. Listen. What is your intuition telling you? We all have it. We were born with it. It’s human nature that tries to drag us away from the things we already know. Distractions. The key to all of this madness is knowing that if something keeps showing up for us it’s YOU that needs to make changes. Everything is showing up for YOU. I will say it over and over again. A failed relationship, a health issue or getting stopped at every single darn traffic light imaginable. You are being stopped in your tracks to dig deeper to find out why something keeps showing up.
I was driving with my daughter the other day. I told her a little story about an experience that I encountered. It involved a series of traffic that had started because others on the road were blocking an intersection with no where to go. The first words out of her mouth were, “I bet you just sat there.” Yes. I absolutely did. I explained to her that the way I saw the situation is that my universe was stopping me from being in a different situation that could have ended very badly. Get it? What if we saw all our distractions this way?
If you have stumbled upon this blog please know that I love you and I want the best for you. Stop. Look. Listen. Life’s distractions are your universe trying to show you something. Dance with all of the distractions and you’ll start to see that you are being lead to somewhere much deeper than what you know and it’s time to just dance.
With, Love & Light,