Is the Law Of Attraction Real? Yes, In Fact It Is The Most Powerful Life Force Of all.
The Law Of Attraction says, a person’s thoughts and actions influence the quality of their experiences.
So, the universe is telling us that if we think negative thoughts we will experience negativity and vise versa. Our energy, our thoughts and our actions will manifest what we bring onto our life…
The choices we make, no matter how big or small are our first steps to manifesting what we wind up bringing into our lives. I was always a firm believer in attracting what we want by raising our vibration. I still am to this day.
The smallest of things like putting the cart back after using it to make our lives easier after loading our car is a universal “give back”. I have heard some say, “It’s their job, let them do it”. That’s a terrible thing to say in my opinion. The spiritual side of me understands that they are playing the victim role upon a past or current trauma. The universe will keep giving them experiences until they understand what they are experiencing is happening FOR them, not TO them. It’s a life phenomenon that takes many people a lifetime to understand. Until then, the experiences we are given will continue to be a direct influence from our universe to HELP with what needs to be learned. With daily practice and gratitude the Laws Of Attraction will come through. Once we gain the perception on all of our life experiences and why certain things happen, our perspective on life changes. At that point, everything changes. Our thoughts and our actions are so powerful. It’s the only thing we have control over.
My family knows that I have been bringing the cart back for as long as they have known me. For my kids, their whole life! I remember rainy days, snowy ones, kids in tow. Sometimes all five when they were little. The cart always went back where it belonged. Somehow, someway; I know that the universe gives our smallest of deeds back. We usually get back even greater. What comes around truly does go around.
The Law Of Attraction is playing an even bigger role right now. Our universal energy forces have never been so strong in all of humanity. We can thank mother earth for that. As an energy healer by nature I can tell you that the earth’s vibrational frequency has never been this strong. And, yes, that truly means that what you put out into the universe is EXACTLY what you will get back. Everything you do is a choice. Make sure you are making good ones! Keep your thoughts and actions controlled and make sure you are staying present and very aware of what you are bringing into your life.
Until next time…
Love & Light, Always!