Always Wanting More Will Continue To Keep Us Stuck
There’s a term out there, “Less is more”. I am using this in the perspective pertaining to gratitude and learning how to be grateful for what we have, where we are on our journey and learning how to not always want “more”. I am talking about those moments when you may get stuck in the past and try over and over to try to fit too many eggs into your already overflowing basket. It’s okay to have goals. It’s wonderful to keep pushing yourself to do more, however, where it gets complicated is when we are never content with what we do have in the moment. Always remember you were aligned in this moment for a reason.
Those who know me know that I have been on quite the journey! My journey is never ending. I don’t believe it does for any of us. There’s always something that will come our way to help move us forward. Moving forward is a daily practice. It’s a complete impossibility to be one hundred percent happy at all times when our path keeps changing and our journey seems complicated in the moment. If you told me you are happy every single moment of the day then I would have to call your bluff. And, if that’s the case for you, kudos to adding something else to your journey. It’s time you get out of being a robot. Emotions are endless. It’s good to feel them. It’s the only way we are able to let things go.
I’m on my lunch break right now eating my garden vegetable soup and my amazing salad that I made. I’m glancing out the window from time to time as I am typing. I feel very grateful right now. I am grateful to where my path has lead me. Guess what….I absolutely did not feel this way this morning. I got in my head about my failed businesses and all my failed plans that came along with it. I was angry that my husband peacefully went to work and didn’t have to worry about getting our boys off to school. I love being a Momma, it’s not easy sometimes and it can take a toll. These are the moments where we must show ourselves grace and kindness. It’s okay that I felt all of these things.
I had a morning, I had a moment. Whatever you’d like to call it, I had that. It happens from time to time. You see, in the past I would have already thought that “things were just not going to work”. My job, that is. I’m still new to this whole corporate work-life. Life gets hard and then we have to get tougher. Is it easy being a full time working momma? Absolutely not. I pushed on. I showed myself grace and kindness. I understood for the first time that I needed to think different and do differently. There’s always a way to change a situation. It’s the choices we must take and the steps we must keep on stepping until we are able to understand and see more clearly.
Let’s jump back to all of the failed businesses that failed. It wasn’t meant for me in that moment. And, the reason I got into my head about that was because I had a rough morning. Imagine if I let one rough morning dictate where the rest of my future was headed? I did things a tad bit differently today. I pushed through it all. All of my emotions, feelings in the moment, self-bashing and even the one where I got myself stuck back into the past of my failed businesses. I didn’t stay there. I looked in the mirror, I smiled and I got dressed. When I got to my desk I looked around and realized how truly blessed I am.
Be happy with who you are in every single moment of your life. That is when you will be able to pull yourself out of just about anything! If we can accept everything about us it truly makes the journey so much more fun. After I had a bad morning at home, I had an amazing morning at work. I found so many things to be grateful for. It’s all about how we look at things. It’s about finding that one little spark to get ourselves going. I wanted more this morning. I let my emotions run the show. One thing lead to another. When this happens our mind gets going and as we all know our mind creates our reality. What we see and think is what we will attract into our reality. There are some changes that need to be made and I will make them because of the experience that came to me. I realized less is more. I realized I am exactly where I am meant to be. I realized that I wrote this during my lunch break and I am a writer at heart. I realized that I love writing and along with becoming a huge success at my corporate job I will always be able to write. Why? Because when we are able to find happiness in something even on the days where we don’t think we can…It is that in which keeps us moving forward.
Until next time…
Love & Light, Always!
You always write truth through your heart! There will always be bumps in the road. It’s how we choose to navigate them to get through life.
Love you and your writing!!
Diana Borisuck
Writing is definitely my gateway into my heart and it’s what keeps me whole. Bumps, holes and everything that helps us understand life a bit better than we did yesterday. Love you and I am so thankful for your support throughout this journey we are both on! xoxo